Dear Students, we are making further changes to the GSM details for AY2020 Sem 1. In the meanwhile, please do not download any information from this portal for now. Thank you for your understanding and watch out for this space!


The Physical Fitness and Training module is tailored for Year 3 students headed for National Service. Fitness programs are specially curated for PES A - B1 students to learn how to properly train and perform at the various stations for the Individual Physical Proficiency Test (IPPT). Students will be split into groups by their physical proficiencies and be encouraged to achieve their best score by the end of the module.


This module will be compulsory for students who have failed or did not attempt the pre-test IPPT in March or September prior to the start of the semester.


Note: For students with a PES status from B2 onwards or have a medical certification clearly stating you are excused from physical acitivity, do submit your official medical memo or a screenshot of your official PES status to your respective school's Module Leader (ML), and do it as soon as possible so that you can be excluded from this module and be allowed to register for alternative GSMs.


Physical Fitness & Training (15-hour module)

This 1 credit physical module is designed to build up the fitness of our graduating students in preparation for the National Service (NS). The students will undergo a series of different training which include circuit training, plyometric, strength training, endurance training and speed training. These trainings not only strengthen the student’s individual fitness, but also provide knowledge on the different types of training.


Eligibility Criteria

  • Only applicable to Final Year National Service liable male students (Singaporean or PR only)
  • Not applicable to females, foreigners and students who have served the National Service



Pre-IPPT Testing & Duration


Pre-IPPT testing will be held in March and September before the academic semester begins. Do remember to visit this page on those months if you are scheduled to do the module in that semester so that you can register for the testing. (Registration for the AY2020S1 pre-IPPT Testing has closed.)

Physical Fitness & Training is conducted during the 1st term of each semester. The module runs for 8 weeks and each session is 2 hours in duration.



Enrolment Into Module


  1. Final Year Students on study path this semester will be enrolled for pre-testing.

  2. Students who achieve a pass in IPPT during pre-testing will be taking another GSM module instead of the Physical Fitness & Training module.

  3. Students, who do not achieve a pass in IPPT during the pre-testing, OR fail to do the pre-testing, will be included in the Physical Fitness & Training module. 



[IMPORTANT] Diploma Groups (AY2020/S1)

If you are a Final Year student on the study path this semester in the following diploma groups, you will be enrolled to do the pre-testing in AY2020/S1.

S/N School Diploma Groups



Diploma in Accountancy & Finance
Diploma in Banking & Finance
Diploma in Business Management
Diploma in Hospitality & Tourism Management
Diploma in Marketing
Diploma in Mass Media Management
Diploma in Sports & Wellness Management



Diploma in Food Science & Nutrition
Diploma in Medicinal Chemistry
Diploma in Molecular Biotechnology
Diploma in Pharmaceutical Sciences
Diploma in Biologics & Process Technology (Programme 5)
Diploma in Chemical & Green Technology (Programme 5)
Diploma in Chemical & Pharmaceutical Technology (Programme 5)



Diploma in Aeronautical & Aerospace Technology (Programme 5)
Diploma in Aerospace Systems & Management (Programme 5)
Diploma in Biomedical Engineering (Programme 5)
Diploma in Digital Precision Engineering (Programme 5)
Diploma in Electrical Engineering with Eco-Design (Programme 5)
Diploma in Electronics System (Programme 5)
Diploma in Engineering with Business (Programme 5)
Diploma in Mechatronics Engineering (Programme 5)
Diploma in Multimedia & Infocomm Technology (Programme 5)
Diploma in Nanotechnology & Materials Science (Programme 5)



Diploma in Nursing
Diploma in Social Sciences (Social Work)



Diploma in Animation
Diploma in Digital Game Art & Design
Diploma in Digital Visual Effects
Diploma in Game Development & Technology
Diploma in Interaction Design
Diploma in Motion Graphics & Broadcast Design



Diploma in Business Informatic
Diploma in Business Intelligence & Analytics
Diploma in Cyber Security & Digital Forensics
Diploma in Financial Informatics
Diploma in Infocomm & Security
Diploma in Information Technology


Training Venues

Depending on each school, lessons will be conducted at 2 different locations (NYP Stadium and YCK Stadium).

S/N School Venues Day Time



NYP Stadium


9.00am to 11.00am



YCK Stadium


9.00am to 11.00am



NYP Stadium


4.00pm to 6.00pm



YCK Stadium


4.00pm to 6.00pm


What is happening in Week 1


Training will begin in Week 1. You will be grouped according to the results of Pre-IPPT testing taken during March/September. Students who did not attend the Pre-IPPT testing will be grouped as well.

Please report to the training venues mentioned above.


You may go to Yio Chu Kang Stadium using the pedestrian crossing opposite Blk D1. It leads to the Yio Chu Kang Sports Complex. The operation hours of the gate are from 6am to 10pm (Monday - Friday), and 6am to 2pm (Saturday).


BLK G.312

Yio Chu Kang Stadium


You may go to Yio Chu Kang Stadium using the pedestrian crossing opposite Blk D1. It leads to the Yio Chu Kang Sports Complex. The operation hours of the gate are from 6am to 10pm (Monday - Friday), and 6am to 2pm (Saturday).



Where & what time do I report?


Training will commence in Week 1. You are to report on the designated day, at the venue assigned at 0900 hrs (Tuesday) or 1600 hrs (Thursday).

E-materials, together with an E-quiz, will be available in Blackboard.



Am I eligible for Physical Fitness & Training if I have a medical condition?


If you are unable to participate in Physical Fitness & Training due to a medical condition, please inform your School GSM Coordinator immediately and provide the necessary supporting medical/doctor’s report/s before the start of the module.

SEG students with medical conditions are to approach their Course Manager instead of the School GSM Coordinator or Module Leader(s).

Students who are officially exempted from participating in this module will have to take an alternative GSM module.



Appropriate Attire


Appropriate running shoes, t-shirt and shorts.

SEG students with medical conditions are to approach their Course Manager instead of the School GSM Coordinator or Module Leader(s).

Students who are officially exempted from participating in this module will have to take an alternative GSM module.



Recording of Attendance


You will be required to record your attendance at the beginning and at the end of each lesson. Attendance can only be awarded to students who participate in training. Trainers reserve the right not to award attendance to latecomers.



What should I do if I am not feeling well on the lesson day?


You are not allowed to sit out of the class if you are not feeling well as we need active participation for this module. You will need to get a medical certificate from the doctor and submit the Statement of Absence (SOA) to the school’s administration office.



What should I do if medical issues arise during the semster?


Please approach your Personal Mentor (PEM) with supporting documents immediately. Your PEM will then advise you accordingly.



What if it rains?


The class will be conducted indoors. Do report to your normal reporting areas.



Whom should I contact to locate the venue of the activity?


Please contact i@Central at 6451 5115 or enquire in person at the Centre at Block A Level 1 (facing the Auditorium).



Passing the Module


The program consists of a few components, mainly the lecture and quiz, trainings and IPPT Test. Shown below are the pre-requisites and breakdown of the evaluation criteria:


Element Percentage

Online Quiz


Active Participation







Students who pass the module will be entitled to an Adidas bag. Students who passed the Pre-IPPT Testing will also receive the Adidas bag only when they revalidate their IPPT in December.



Assessment Criteria


You will be assessed on the following 3 areas:

  1. Ability to understand basic physical fitness

  2. Ability to demonstrate active participation during fitness training

  3. Ability to perform the 3 components of IPPT 

You must fulfil the requirements for all areas to qualify for a Pass in the module. 1 Credit module unit will be awarded for passing the module.



Failing the Module


Should you fail the Physical Fitness & Training module, you will need to take an additional GSM to fulfil the required credits for graduation.



For Muslim Students


Muslim students will participate in Week 1, and continue with the rest of the lessons on Fridays at the NYP Stadium (4-6pm) in Weeks 6-8 and Weeks 11-13.