General Studies Modules


To provide an all-rounded educational experience, the polytechnic offers General Studies Modules (GSMs). This means that besides taking diploma modules related to your chosen area of discipline, you will have the opportunity to be exposed to areas beyond your field of study. Through a combination of prescribed and elective GSMs, you will gain interesting, practical knowledge that can be beneficial to you as you prepare for the world of work and life after graduation.

Credit: Centre for Foundation & General Studies (CFGS), March 2023


What to Expect?

Information for Year 1 Students
All Year 1 students will take a number of prescribed GSMs that are key to building up an well-rounded education in NYP. SAS, SBM and SDM Year 1 students will also be taking elective GSMs.
Information for Year 2 Students
In year 2, students have a wide range of elective GSMs to choose from various disciplines, depending on their interests.
Information for Year 3 Students
Year 3 students can select up to 2 elective GSMs from the range of engaging modules offered by other Schools within NYP.