Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. Do I have to pay a course fee if I sign up for a foreign language OE Module?
    All foreign language OE modules offered to NYP full-time learners are free of charge. However, you will need to buy the textbook at your own cost.

  2. Will the results in the foreign language OE modules affect my GPA?
    No. Results in the foreign language OE modules will not affect your GPA. Nevertheless, if you pass an OE module, the grade will be indicated in your transcript.

  3. Can I take a foreign language OE module (30 hours) in lieu of two GSMs (15 hours x 2) or vice versa?
    No. GSMs are not the same as OE modules. GSMs are mandatory modules. You must obtain 12 GSM credits before graduation. Foreign language OE modules are optional modules bearing no credits. You take an OE module when you are keen to learn a foreign language in depth.

  4. Barring timetable clashes, can I take more than one foreign language in the same semester?
    No. Please note that if you submit more than one application form during the pre-registration, you run the risk of being disqualified.

  5. I passed French OE1 with a "D". Can I still take French OE2 in the following semester?
    Yes, provided that you have a GPA of 2.0 and above. Do note that as you advance to higher levels, you will need to put in more time and effort if you want to learn the language well.

  6. I took French OE1 last semester, can I still take the GSM "Introduction to French Language 1" in Year 2? 
    You will not be able to do so as the GSM selection system will automatically disqualify you from selecting a similar language module.

  7. I am a Year 2 student. Can I still take a level 1 foreign language OE module?
    Yes. The foreign language OE modules are open to all full-time NYP learners. Do note that learners from Year 2 or above taking a level 1 OE module may not be able to complete the entire training model due to OITP / Final year projects.

  8. I have an "A" in Korean OE2 but my GPA is 1.89, which bars me from registering online for Korean OE3. Can I still apply for it? 
    If you are really keen to continue, you may approach your course manager for an appeal. We will consider your request on a case-by-case basis.
  9. I have completed the four OE modules in Korean Language. I am now in S1 of Year 3. Am I allowed to take Japanese Language OEl? 
    Yes. The foreign language OE modules are open to all full-time NYP learners. Do note, if you start with level 1 OE module in Year 3, you will not be able to complete the entire training model. 


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