1. If a club or society (hereafter called “student organisation”) wishes to make use of the premises of the Polytechnic for any gathering or to conduct any activity, the student organisation must apply to Director/ Student Development for approval to make use of the premises.
  2. If the gathering or activity is to be attended by persons who are not students or staff of NYP, the student organisation must also submit an application to Director/Student Development for permission for such persons to attend the gathering who shall at his discretion be at liberty to refuse permission for persons who are not students or staff of NYP entry to the premises of the Polytechnic.
  3. Director/Student Development or his appointed executive, may, as a condition for granting approval for the use of the premises, require the payment of a deposit or a fee.
  4. Premises which are allocated to the student organisation shall not be used for any other activity other than those related to the student organisation concerned.



  1. Student organisations must obtain the official stamped approval from the SD department for the display of notices and posters on notice boards in the campus.
  2. All banners must not exceed 5m x 3m in size.
  3.  All notices must not exceed A3 size.
  4. Student organisations may seek exemption from the above rules for special occasions.
  5. The approved display must be confined to the designated notice boards in the campus. If the display is to be placed at locations other than notice boards, prior approval must be obtained from Director/Student Development and Director/Estates Management.
  6. All banners must be securely erected on the approved sites so as not to cause any obstruction.
  7. All notices, posters and banners must be removed within 24 hours after the end of the event by the student organisations.
    Failure to remove the notices, posters and banners will result in the student organisation being banned from putting up any publicity for a period deemed appropriate by the SD department.
  8. The Polytechnic has the right to remove any notices, posters or banners in the campus if it is deemed appropriate and necessary.



  1. When requested by the SD department, student organisations are required to submit 2 copies of its club and inventory reports.
  2. The SD department reserves the right to inspect all club rooms and club inventory without notice.



  1. Rooms allocated to the Union, clubs and other student organisations must be used to carry out the affairs of the relevant organisations.
  2. The organisations shall ensure proper utilisation of these facilities or any part of the rooms allocated to them.
  3. The student organisations shall be responsible for opening and closing their respective rooms but these must be conducted
    between the hours specified below:
        Mondays to Fridays 8:30am to 9:00pm
        Saturdays 8:30am to 5:00pm
        Sundays & Public Holidays Closed
  4. Requests for the use of these facilities or rooms outside the specified hours must be approved by the SDAR department and/or respective Departments.
  5. Requests for the use of the common facilities must be made on prescribed forms available at the School’s General Administration Office or the SDAR department.
  6. Student organisations must ensure that:
        a.  the premises are kept clean at all times
        b.  the furniture and fittings are kept in good condition, failing which     the student organisation will be liable for any damage whatsoever
        c.  no activity which is considered a nuisance to anyone is to be     conducted
        d.  no part of the premises is to be defaced - no slogans or any     writings, stickers are to be pasted onto the walls
        e.  all lights and air conditioning are to be switched off when there is     no one in the rooms.
  7. Any activity which infringes the law and the Polytechnic’s rules and regulations is not permitted in these premises. Gambling, ragging, consumption of alcohol, smoking, cooking of food and activities not within the constitutions of the Polytechnic are prohibited.
  8. The student organisations will be responsible for notifying the School’s General Administration Office or the SDAR department without delay if any repair or other maintenance work is necessary for any part of the premises.
  9. No installations, additions, alterations or renovations of any kind may be made to the premises without prior approval from the Polytechnic administration.
  10. Disciplinary action will be taken against any student found violating the rules and regulations of the use of such facilities in NYP.