1. All use of the campus's computing and network facilities must be consistent with the teaching and learning objectives of Nanyang Polytechnic (NYP). 

  2. Communications via the Internet (e-mail, social media or any other electronic bulletins as well as mobile apps) and within NYP shall not contain materials that are fraudulent, distasteful, designed to harrass, embarrassing, sexually explicit, obscene, intimidating, defamatory, or which incites religious or racial intolerance or are otherwise deemed inappropriate by NYP. Any material that is in violation of Singapore’s laws and regulations shall not be transmitted to Internet. This includes, but is not limited to, copyrighted materials, threatening or obscene materials, or materials protected by trade secrets. 

  3. Students shall use only official email accounts ‘@mymail.nyp.edu.sg’ issued by NYP, for all NYP-related correspondences. Students are expected to check their email on a frequent and consistent basis in order to stay current with NYP-related communications.

  4. Students must not engage in malicious electronic activities, including, but not limited to the following:
    a. unauthorised access to computing resources;
    b. masquerade as another account-holder;
    c. circumvent security systems;
    d. exploit or probe for security holes in any networks;
    e. attack or degrade the system and network performance, cause damage to NYP, the Government's network or that of any other organisation;
    f. install programs such as Trojans or rootkits into any IT resources; 
    g. use peer-to-peer file sharing software or download media-rich contents for personal entertainment consumption;
    h. intentionally introduce computer viruses, worms, trojan horses or the likes into any computer or network;
    i. read, forge, alter or delete any messages (e.g. emails), files or network communication without authorisation;
    j. use any software and hardware, such as traffic generators, network sniffing tools, remote administration tools, diagnostic and vulnerability scanning tools, which can compromise the security or performance of the systems as well as networks.
    k. tamper, damage or destroy NYP’s IT equipment and communication devices, e.g. network points, cables and computers; 
    l. allow personal computing devices to route or bridge traffic from other external networks to NYP’s network;
    m. share account and password to other parties to gain access to NYP systems and networks;
    n. transmit unsolicited commercial or advertising materials (SPAM);
    o. connect a compromised or jail-broken device knowingly to NYP network;
    p. break any Rule or Regulation set by NYP;
    q. make unauthorised copy of licensed software.

  5. Students shall take adequate measures to ensure that their computing devices as well as mobile devices that are connected to NYP’s systems and networks are adequately protected in order to prevent unauthorised users from using their devices to access NYP, the Government or other organisation’s systems and networks illegally. These measures include, but are not limited to the following: 
    a. using strong passwords/passcodes and changing them regularly; 
    b. installing security programs such as antivirus and firewall;
    c. patching device operating systems and application software regularly; 
    d. rebooting personal computing devices regularly so that upgrades and patches can take effect;
    e. setting on auto-lock timeout; 
    f. installing only licensed applications from trusted sources;
    g. reporting security incidents to School’s Technical Support Officer, lecturer or staff.

  6. Students shall take note that the equipment/software loaned is meant for exclusive academic use and NOT for any commercial purposes. If any loaned item is lost, functionally damaged as a result of negligence or wilful vandalism, students shall have to make good the loss or damage in terms that are acceptable to NYP.

  7. The above-mentioned terms and conditions provide the main guidelines under which IT resources are to be used in NYP. They are not exhaustive but are meant to ensure that the computing environment remains safe for all users and is not abused by any person. Any ill intent activity on NYP’s systems and network would be subject to disciplinary action. Such access to NYP’s systems and network  would  be immediately suspended, pending further investigations by NYP in the event that students or their computing /mobile devices are suspected to have violated the above-mentioned terms and conditions.